JAKARTA - Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) investigators are still having difficulty uncovering cases of sexual harassment and bullying experienced by MS victims, employees of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI).

The obstacle is because the police have not received evidence from the reported case.

"We only refer to the evidence," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol. Hengki Haryadi to VOI, Friday, December 31.

However, the police admitted that they would continue to work hard to uncover cases of sexual harassment and bullying experienced by MS victims.

"The crime scene (incident) has also changed a lot, yes. But we will try hard, now it's still an investigation to prove whether it really happened," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Criminal Investigation at the Central Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Wisnu Wardana, said that his party would ask for information from an expert from the National Police Hospital regarding the results that had been submitted to the Central Jakarta Police.

"We will carry out a title (case), maybe we will invite experts, then title it with the Polda Metro Jaya as well," said Kasat.

Meanwhile, regarding the findings obtained by Komnas HAM, Kasat said the police only needed other evidence to corroborate the incident.

"Earlier, what was conveyed by the police chief, we need other evidence to support this process so that it becomes clear whether sexual harassment actually occurred. We will wait for the process, while it is still ongoing," he said.

Meanwhile, MS's attorney, Muhammad Mualimin, said that MS was experiencing anxiety because since the case emerged on September 1, until the end of 2021 there had been no developments in his case.

"MS's condition worsened because she was worried about the slow process of the legal process in her case at the Central Jakarta Police. Recently, MS was sentenced to major depression, so the dose of drugs that must be consumed increased," he said.

Mualimin said that the mental state is often unstable, depression increases and MS has to take 4 types of pills every day.

"In the midst of the many cases of sexual violence in Indonesia lately, MS is afraid of not getting legal justice," he said.

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