ACEH - A total of 416 married couples in Aceh Besar District divorced during 2021 due to various factors in the household, and the majority of them were wives who filed for divorce from their husbands.

"There are 101 cases of talak divorce, the case of the wife suing the husband dominates, which is a total of 315 cases," said the Registrar of the Jantho Aceh Besar Sharia Court, Ustaz Raihan, in Aceh Besar, as reported by Antara, Friday, December 31.

Ustaz Raihan said that the high divorce cases were due to various factors, starting from the death of one party, there were 42 cases.

Then, said Ustaz Raihan, because of continuous disputes in the household, there were 308 cases, the factor of domestic violence was four cases, the crime was punished by one party in eight cases, and so on.

"The criminal factors are very diverse, some are due to drugs, become convicted of murder, or convicted of fraud and embezzlement," he said.

Not only that, continued Ustaz Raihan, divorces in Aceh Besar were also caused by physical disabilities in two cases, economic factors in four cases. Ustaz Raihan explained that divorce due to repeated disputes was caused by various triggers, ranging from intervention. third parties, close people or family.

Then, continued Ustaz Raihan, immaturity in the household so that it creates a paradigm difference is also one of the causes, the education factor of one party, and because of different opinions in taking care of children.

"Even because my husband is involved in playing online games by playing high domino chips," he said.

He deeply regrets that the divorce case in the area with the application of Islamic law occurred only because of a small problem that should have been resolved amicably and amicably.

"Really, we regret that trivial things sometimes destroy the household," said Ustaz Raihan.

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