JAKARTA - The Karawang Regency Police, West Java, named the truck driver as a suspect in an accident on the Pantura line on Wednesday (29/12), because it resulted in two deaths and 3 serious injuries.

"Yes, we have named the truck driver as a suspect," said Kasatlantas Karawang Police AKP La Ode Habibi Ade Jama, quoted Friday, December 31.

The driver who has been named the suspect is Hilman, a resident of Gintungkerta, Klari District, Karawang.

He conveyed, the chronology of the accident began when a truck with Nopol B 9916 NP which was loaded with cargo passed from the direction of Johar Karawang towards Cikampek.

However, when crossing the downhill after the Anggadita flyover, the truck suddenly swerved and crossed into the opposite lane.

Subsequently, the truck directly hit two motorcyclists and a pedestrian. The motorcycles that were hit by the truck were respectively T 3554 RS and T 4035 HD.

"So for a while, the truck suddenly swerved to the right until it crossed into the opposite lane. Why did the truck sway, we are still investigating," he also said.

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