JAKARTA - The number of cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in Indonesia continues to increase. The Ministry of Health previously announced the increase in positive cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in Indonesia to 68 people.

The PKS faction in the DPR asked the government to temporarily close foreign entry routes. The trend of declining cases in Indonesia should not be triggered by migrants from abroad.

Member of Commission V of the DPR from the PKS faction, Suryadi Jaya Purnama, explained that so far, based on the Circular (SE) of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force No. 26 of 2021 as of December 25, 2021, Indonesia has temporarily closed the entry of foreign nationals from 13 countries, namely the UK, Denmark, Norway and 10 African countries such as South Africa.

However, the Ministry of Health has revealed five probable cases or test results that show signs of the Omicron variant. The five cases consisted of two Indonesian citizens (WNI) traveling from the United States and Britain and three Chinese citizens who arrived in Manado.

"They have undergone a PCR test with a special marker and have probable Omicron status. If a probable cause has been found from China, Indonesia should have closed flights from that country", Suryadi told VOI, Thursday, December 30.

Citing data from the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID) as of December 16, 2021, the 10 countries with the most Omicron cases in the world, some have not been included in Circular (SE) No. 26/2021 above, namely the United States, Switzerland, Belgium, Australia, and Germany.

Suryadi reminded orderly health protocols should not only be a slogan. "The practice of supervision of all foreign entry routes is not only on the air route but also on the sea route which deserves discipline", said the legislator from the NTB constituency.

In addition, continued Suryadi, the case of escaping quarantine patients must be a lesson so that the Omicron variant can be controlled.

"The case of running away during quarantine from overseas travel is a lesson for us to be jointly responsible so that positive cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in Indonesia increase uncontrollably", he said.

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