SEMARANG - The case of COVID-19 has re-emerged in the city of Semarang, after approximately the last week, the capital city of Central Java Province recorded zero cases.

Based on data from the page as of Wednesday, at 19.00 WIB there were six patients who were confirmed to be COVID-19.

Of these, five patients are residents of Semarang City, while one is a resident outside Semarang.

The data on the total number of patients who have been declared cured has reached 82,665 people. Meanwhile, the number of patients who died was recorded at 6,500 people. The confirmed head of the Semarang City Health Service, Abdul Hakam, has not yet provided an answer to the re-emergence of the case.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Semarang, Hendrar Prihadi, said that currently the city government is still struggling to control the "gas and brakes" in the midst of the slowing down of COVID-19 cases.

In the future, he said, the concentration of the Semarang City Government's program implementation will not only focus on handling COVID-19, but also other fields, such as tourism. This was reported by Antara, Wednesday, December 29.

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