JAKARTA - At least 92 times of disturbances in security and public order (kamtibmas) in Papua Province during 2021. This incident was dominated by the terror of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) which resulted in the death of the victim.

The victims of the KKB terror attack ranged from civilians to the head of the Papuan Regional Intelligence Agency (BINDA) Maj. Gen. TNI (posthumous) I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha.

The KKB terror attack in a number of mountainous areas of Papua in the final reflection of 2021, the Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Mathius D Fakhiri stated, the KKB disturbance actions occurred in five areas, namely Yahukimo Regency, Bintang Mountains, Intan Jaya, Puncak and Nduga Regency.

"The National Police will invite the regional government and the regents to address the problem of disturbances in the security and social order in the regions, so that a solution can be found quickly," said Chief of Police Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri, Tuesday, December 29.

Of the dozens of terror acts of the Papuan KKB, it is also recorded that they have claimed victims from TNI-Polri personnel, as well as from civil society to KKB members themselves.

Data on the number of TNI soldiers who died as a result of the terror disturbances of the Papuan KKB were 11 people, and 19 others were injured receiving medical treatment at the hospital.

Meanwhile, four members of the Indonesian National Police (Polri) died as a result of the Papuan KKB terror attack, and three others were injured.

Meanwhile, the number of victims from civil society who died due to being shot by Papuan KKB gangs during 2021 was recorded as 19 people, and 11 people were injured.

The head of the Papuan Regional BIN, Major General (posthumous) TNI I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha, was shot dead in an incident that occurred on Sunday, April 25, 2021.

The late head of BINDA Papua was the first high-ranking TNI officer to be shot and killed in a conflict with the KKB in Papua Province.

The shooting incident occurred when the BIN Task Force patrol along with the TNI/Polri Task Force traveled to Dambet Village in Beoga District, Puncak Regency, Papua.

At around 15.50 eastern Indonesia time, the group was intercepted by the TPNPB-OPM group headed by Lekagak Telenggen, resulting in a shootout in Dambet Village which resulted in the victim of Kabinda Papua being shot dead.

Meanwhile, the civilian victims were two teaching staff who were also victims of the KKB shooting, namely Oktovianus Rayo and Yonatan Benden, both teachers of Jambul Elementary School and Beoga I State Junior High School and medical staff Gabrilla Meilani. There are many more lists of civilian victims of the Papuan KKB violence.

The head of the Komnas HAM Papua Representative, Frits B Ramandey, assessed that the forms of violence occurring in Papua during 2021 were still high for civilians in Papua.

Frits invites journalists in Tanah Papua to be able to guard and prevent cases of violence that often occur to civil society and government officials.

"How can the legal process for those who violate the law be completed immediately, so that it will provide a sense of justice to the community. Yes, the media has an important role in guarding every process of law enforcement to the courts," said the head of Komnas HAM Papua Representative during a discussion with journalists from print and electronic media in Jayapura.

Humanist approach

To build and create a conducive situation for Papua's security and social security, the joint law enforcement officers of the TNI/Polri have changed the pattern of their humanist approach.

The term humanist comes from Latin, where human, and ism means understanding or flow. Humanism is a term that is often used among Indonesian people as a word that expresses something related to humans.

In the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), it is a flow of humanism that aims to revive a sense of humanity and aspires to a better social life.

Understanding humanism is a movement with the aim of promoting the dignity of the human person to live a better and more humane life.

As an ethical thought that highly upholds human civilization, the humanism approach has emphasized human dignity.

Humanism emphasizes dignity, role, responsibility according to humans, because humans have a special position and are capable of more than other creatures because they have spirituality.

The view of humanism makes humans aware of the value and dignity of human identity as spiritual beings. Spiritual ethics have underpinned humans to be responsible for life in the world and the environment in which they live their daily lives.

Humanism is closely related to related community life activities, such as humanism related to learning education for students.

Humanism is also related to religion, to universal humanism which includes one world, one nation, and one human being born on this earth, so that many connect humanism with problems and issues related to humanity.

In fact, Maslow's theory is based on the assumption that within the human individual there are two things, including a positive effort to develop and the power to resist or resist that development.

Maslow argued, individuals behave in an effort to meet hierarchical needs. Each person has various feelings of fear such as the fear of trying or developing, the fear of taking opportunities, the fear of endangering what he already has, and so on.

But on the other hand, a person also has the urge to move forward towards wholeness, uniqueness of self, towards the functioning of all abilities, towards confidence in facing the outside world and at that time he can accept himself (self).

Maslow divides human needs into physiological needs. Physiological needs are the most basic needs for humans and are related to physical needs, the need for security and protection, the need for love, the need for self-esteem or appreciation, and the need for self-actualization.

When a person has been able to meet the first need, such as physiological needs, then he may want the needs above it, namely the need for security and so on.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, this has important implications that must be considered for development policymakers in Papua.

We hope that entering 2022 the humanistic approach that is being intensified by the Government to further develop the identity of the Papuan Indigenous People (OAP) can be more successful and touch the root of the problem more.

Through a humanist approach, it is hoped that it can change the negative stigma of community groups' views on various development strategy policy programs that are being implemented by the Government to create a prosperous and just indigenous Papuan community within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

The slogan of Papua Full of Peace (Papeda) should actually be realized together by all elements of society in the Land of Papua so that the Government's efforts to develop the region for the welfare of indigenous Papuans who are independent, prosperous and just can be realized during the leadership of Governor Lukas Enembe.

Happy New Year January 1, 2022. May peace in Papua come true soon. This was reported by Antara.

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