BANDAR LAMPUNG - Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Zahwani Pandra Arsyad, said that the dispute over the Christmas service at the GPI Tulang Bawang Church, Lampung, had now been resolved. Previously, a viral video by a community group forbade the congregation from worshiping Christmas.

"The dispute between local residents and the pastor and congregation in Banjar Agung Village, Banjar Agung District, Tulangbawang has been resolved properly," said Pandra, in Bandarlampung, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 28.

According to him, the dispute has been resolved, after listening to the statements of each party and immediately handled by members of the Bhabinkamtibmas of Banjar Agung Village.

Pandra explained that members of the bhabinkamtibmas immediately went to the location and also reported in stages to the Banjar Agung Police Chief and forwarded to the Tulang Bawang Police Chief.

"As a result, the issue was immediately brought together both from the congregation, the pastor, as well as local residents and it was agreed that because they were celebrating Christmas, they were given the opportunity to celebrate or use the place until December 26, 2021," he said.

Pandra added that after the specified time limit, Reverend Polite Sidabutar carried out an agreement that there would be no more worship with the congregation because the permit had not been issued, except for a house of prayer or a family house of worship.

"On December 26, 2021 it was agreed, and Pastor Sopan Sidabutar with the help of the GPI congregation voluntarily lowered the cross symbol on the front of the building which became a symbol of the church building. This statement was also witnessed by village officials, community members, TNI-Polri, and local government, " said Panda.

Meanwhile, the Chief of the Tulang Bawang Police, AKBP Hujra Soumena, added that his party had held interfaith meetings to address the issue.

"Now it is safe, peaceful, and harmonious. We have coordinated and inter-religious meetings," he said.

In the event of a dispute, the members at that time also helped to secure the situation so that unwanted things did not happen. Its members at the location secured the location because at that time they were carrying out a mediation process.

"After getting an agreement at that time, each community disbanded. After that, our members continued to provide security until the Christmas worship activities were completed," he said.

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