More And More Fish Die In Maninjau Lake, So 1,455 Tons

AGAM - The Fisheries and Food Security Service (PKP) of Agam Regency, West Sumatra recorded that 1,445 tons of fish in Lake Maninjau died due to lack of oxygen in the volcanic lake.

"The deaths of tilapia and goldfish have occurred since December 3-24, 2021", said Head of the Agam Fisheries and Food Security Service, Rosva Deswira in Lubukbasung, quoted by Antara on Monday, December 27.

Rosva said the 1,455 tons of dead fish came from hundreds of floating net cages belonging to hundreds of farmers spread across seven Nagari or traditional villages around Lake Maninjau.

The seven villages are Nagari Koto Malintang with 520 tons, Nagari Tanjung Sani with 330 tons, Nagari Koto Kaciak with 300 tons, and Nagari Bayua with 20 tons. While in Nagari Maninjau 15 tons, Nagari Sungai Batang 50 tons and Nagari Koto Gadang 220 tons.

"The fish deaths occurred in all villages in Tanjungraya District", she said.

Rosva explained the mass fish deaths were due to rainfall accompanied by strong winds that had hit the area since early December 2021.

Strong winds accompanied by heavy rainfall resulted in the reversal of water to the surface, so oxygen was reduced.

After that, the fish become dizzy and after a few minutes, the carcass floats to the surface. "Some farmers throw fish carcasses into the lake, resulting in pollution", she said.

The loss of floating net cage farmers in the lake is around IDR 28.9 billion because the price of fish at the farm level is IDR 20,000 per kilogram. "There are some farmers who harvest fish early in anticipation of losses", she said.

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