CIREBON - The Cirebon City Police Team, West Java, arrested the village head who had corrupted the 2020 direct cash assistance (BLT), village funds, and the budget for purchasing fish seeds. State losses reached IDR 325 million.

"The suspect we have arrested is the Head of Tenjomaya Village for the 2015-2021 period, Cileduk District, Cirebon Regency", said Cirebon Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head, AKP Anton, quoted by Antara on Monday, December 27.

The suspect, named Muhamad Hasnudin, said Anton, committed a criminal act of corruption by embezzling BLT money that should have been given to 178 beneficiaries during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.

The BLT money that was corrupted by the suspect, continued Anton, was an aid for three months from October to December 2020, amounting to IDR 160 million.

"However, the suspect did not distribute the BLT money to 178 beneficiaries for three months", he said.

Anton said, in addition to embezzling BLT money, it turned out that the suspect was also a suspect in the 2019 Village Fund budget corruption of IDR 154 million.

The funds, he said, were not spent for any construction, but the money was used to pay off the suspect's debt.

"The 2019 village budget has been completely absorbed, but not for development but into private pockets", he said.

In addition, he explained, the suspect committed corruption in the purchase of fish seeds amounting to IDR 10 million.

As a result of his actions, the suspect was subject to Article 2 jo 3 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Crime of Corruption with the threat of 20 years in prison.

"We will add another article because this was done during the COVID-19 pandemic", he said.

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