JAKARTA - The Saiful Mujani Research & Consulting Institute (SMRC) conducted a survey on Indonesia's economic condition in 2021. The public assesses that household economic conditions are better than 2020.
SMRC Research Director, Deni Irvani said that 36.4 percent said their economic conditions were better and 5.1 percent were much better. Meanwhile, as many as 3.2 respondents stated that their economic conditions in 2021 were much worse, and 25.6 percent worse. While 29.2 percent said there was no change and 0.5 percent did not answer.
"There are 28.8 percent of residents assessing that the economic condition of their household is now worse than last year. Meanwhile, 41.5 percent rated it better or much better and 29.2 percent said there was no change," Deni said in a virtual survey. , Sunday, December 26.
In addition, SMRC also conducted a survey of respondents' optimism regarding national economic conditions in 2022. The majority of respondents stated that 51.4 percent said they were better than 2021.
"Saying better, 51.4 percent, much better 10.8 percent, no change 19.2 percent, worse 9.6 percent, much worse 1.1 percent, and don't know/don't know 7.9 percent," he said.

For the political condition survey in 2021, respondents who rated it good were 33.4 percent, moderate 33 percent, bad 19.2 percent, very bad 2.9 percent. Then, very good 2 percent and did not answer/don't know 9.6 percent.
Meanwhile, respondents who predict political conditions in 2022 will improve 48.5 percent. Average or moderate is 21.5 percent, will be bad 8.2 percent. The SMRC survey was conducted from 8 to 16 December involving 2,420 respondents from various regions. The method in this survey uses multistage random sampling, with a margin of error of 2.2 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.
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