BANDA ACEH - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, who is also an architect, stated that the main function of the Aceh Tsunami Museum building he designed was useful for rescue missions in the event of a disaster.

"Don't forget the main function of this building (the Aceh Tsunami Museum) is for rescue, therefore the roof is made of concrete," said Ridwan Kamil, in Banda Aceh, Saturday, December 25.

This was conveyed by Ridwan Kamil while visiting the Aceh Tsunami Museum, accompanied by the Head of the Aceh Culture and Tourism Office (Disbudpar) Jamaluddin. This visit was the second time that this was done after the previous one in 2017 during the 13th anniversary of the tsunami.

Kang Emil, as he is familiarly called, said that the Aceh Tsunami Museum was deliberately designed with a concrete roof, then many stairs to the back of the building, so that in the event of a disaster it could save thousands of people. "That's the concept of a disaster-responsive building, and it represents all," he said as reported by Antara.

He said that the museum is also designed to have an open space, so that visitors can choose to enter the building or interact outside. Therefore, there are facilities such as cafes, shelters and so on.

The Aceh Tsunami Museum building, he continued, is one of the most important buildings in the history of the Aceh tsunami, as well as personally as the architect who designed this magnificent building. "The memory of this building is very strong, but what is called a building every five years, of course, must be maintained, repainted, and continuously repaired," he said.

According to Kang Emil, the Aceh Tsunami Museum can also add temporary collections, so that the building can also become an educational space, apart from being a place to remember disasters.

He also appreciated the Aceh Government, in this case Disbudpar Aceh, for taking good care of the historic building (Tsunami Museum), thus providing comfort for visitors. "I appreciate that after the transition from the central government to the Aceh Tourism Office, the treatment was very good, the enthusiasm of the visitors was also extraordinary," said Ridwan Kamil.

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