JAKARTA - The National Police Headquarters Inspector General Firman Santyabudi stated that the security for Christmas 2021 is a momentum for the Bhayangkara Corps to serve the community. As the main task of the Police as a servant and protector of Indonesian citizens.

The statement was made while reviewing the implementation of Christmas and New Year's security in the Central Java region.

"The moment of securing Nataru is the momentum of the Police to show their performance in serving the community. For this reason, members must be ready and not violate anyone," said Firman in his statement, Saturday, December 25.

The security and services implemented in the framework of the 2021 Candi Candle Operation to reduce community mobility during the pandemic, said Firman, are not easy matters. Because, in the process must coordinate with all parties. For example, toll road managers to local governments.

The reason is, the Central Java area is a point that is often used by people to rest. Thus, the potential for crowds.

"The Central Java area is a focus area for people moving from Jakarta to East Java and vice versa. They gather in Central Java to rest before continuing their journey," said Inspector General Firman.

Therefore, the Traffic Headquarters asked the ranks to be vigilant, considering that this community gathering invites the potential for the spread of COVID-19 in the rest area. Supervision of the implementation of health protocols (prokes) must really be carried out.

"So the service post on the toll road does not only provide security and services to the community, including the enforcement of health procedures. But it is also equipped with vaccination booths," said Inspector General Firman.

Meanwhile, Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Pol Ahmad Luthfi emphasized that his party had implemented integrated security at each service post. The security control centers are located at the Post GT Pejagan Brebes and Pos Kalikangkung, Semarang.

"Members are also required to be alert regarding Nataru's security, both in securing traffic flow and preventing potential criminal disturbances. The point is that the Central Java Police are optimal to provide guarantees for the community during Nataru," said the Kapolda.

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