JAKARTA - After coordinating, the West Java Police finally transferred the case of a collision in Nagrek that caused the death of a pair of lovers, Handi Saputra (18) and Salsabila (14), to the Military Police of Kodam (Pomdam) III/Siliwangi.
"From all of this, we agree that this case is transferred to the Pomdam for further investigations to find out whether the perpetrator is part of the TNI," Erdi said, quoted on Friday, December 24.
The collision occurred on Jalan Raya Nagreg, Bandung Regency, West Java, on Wednesday, December 8. Handi and Salsabila, who were victims of the incident, were instead dumped in two separate places. Salsabila was found dead in Bleberan Hamlet, Bunton Village, Adipala District, Cilacap, while Handi was found in the Serayu River, Banyumas, on Saturday, December 11.
Erdi said police officers from the West Java Regional Police went with the parents of the victims to confirm the identities of the two bodies.
"From all of this, it is true that the victims were their children. The victims were post-mortem, autopsied, and returned to their parents for burial," said Erdi.
From this incident, the police secured a number of items of evidence, starting from the clothes the victims used during the accident and a motorcycle belonging to the victim, a Suzuki FU with police number D 2000 RS.
Meanwhile, Kapendam III Siliwangi Colonel Inf. Arie Trie Hedhianto said his party had received the delegation of the case file from the Bandung Police investigator.
In this case, according to him, the Commander of Kodam III/Siliwangi has ordered the Pomdam to conduct an intensive investigation in order to immediately reveal the perpetrators suspected of causing Handi and Salsa to die.
"Indeed, judging from the initial evidence and instructions at the TKP, it is suspected that the TNI is an Army personnel. However, we still have to wait for the results of the investigation conducted by Pomdam III/Siliwangi," he added.
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