JAKARTA - The National Awakening Party (PKB) congratulates Miftachul Akhyar and Yahya Cholil Staquf or Gus Yahya who were elected as Rais Aam and Chairman of the PBNU for the period 2021-2026 at the 34th Congress of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Lampung, Friday, December 24.

"Congratulations and success in carrying out the mandate to KH Yahya Cholil Staquf. We hope that the NU congregation and jam'iyyah will advance worldwide in the hands of Gus Yahya, the elected chairman of PBNU," said PKB Deputy General Chair Jazilul Fawaid when contacted, Friday, December 24. Jazilul said that PKB believed that Gus Yahya would bring the NU mass organization to the world with new breakthroughs.

"We believe that Gus Yahya will make a breakthrough and new enthusiasm for NU's work in serving the people, nation and state, even to the world," said Jazilul.

However, according to the Deputy Chairman of the MPR, a breakthrough must be made by building a new and better tradition under the leadership of Gus Yahya.

"Of course, by preserving existing good traditions and building new, better traditions," said Gus Jazil. It is known that Yahya Cholil Staquf was officially elected as general chairman of PBNU 2021-2026. Yahya Staquf defeated the incumbent, Said Aqil Siroj.

The election for the general chairperson was held at GSG, University of Lampung, Friday, December 24. The counting of votes is held openly and broadcast virtually.

Yahya Staquf officially became the chairman of PBNU after winning in two stages of vote counting. In the selection stage for the candidate for president, Yahya Staquf won with 327 votes.

Yahya Staquf's vote also won quite a landslide in the election stage for the PBNU caketum. Yahya Staquf won 337 votes, while Said Aqil 210 votes.

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