JAKARTA - Acting Director-General of Higher Education Research and Technology (Diktiristek) Kemendikbudristek Prof. Nizam said gender discrimination no longer applies in the world of education.

“Gender discrimination no longer exists in education. Our condition is much better than other countries in Asia, even above the world average," Nizam said in a commemoration of Mother's Day held by the DWP Sub Unit of the Directorate General of Diktiristek Kemendikbudristek in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, December 23.

He added that the percentage of female students in the country reached 56 percent, while the rest were university students. Likewise, for the drop out rate, there are far more students.

"Thus, more and more scholars are produced and they are women," he added.

Although women's education in Indonesia is getting better, Nizam reminds women to forget their nature as women, and one day they will become mothers for their children.

The role of mothers becomes very important at this time, when the virtual world and the real world become one unit. Ki Hajar Dewantara said that there are three educational centers, namely family, school, and community.

“Sometimes we forget that the main education is in the family. We can't just hand over our children's education to schools," he explained.

Therefore, a mother does not only play a role in the progress of her child but also the progress of the nation, because in the hands of her children an advanced Indonesia will be realized.

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