MATARAM - The Puma Team of the Mataram City Police, West Nusa Tenggara, arrested a man suspected of stealing money from a supermarket cashier in the Sekarbela area. The perpetrator carried out his crime by using a ninja-style sheath mode.

"So the modus operandi of the perpetrator's theft so that his face is not recognized, he uses a ninja-style sarong," said Heri, quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 23.

The perpetrator, who launched the action at dawn in mid-November 2021, had the initials A (25), from Jempong Baru, Sekarbela District, Mataram City.

Heri explained that the perpetrator's actions were revealed thanks to the results of tracing the CCTV camera footage installed at the supermarket and also the statement of the victim who was a cashier.

"The perpetrator was arrested last Wednesday (12/22) at his home without a fight. From the examination, the perpetrator has admitted his actions," he said.

In the action which was caught on CCTV camera, Heri said the perpetrator entered the supermarket with a machete. The cashier who was shocked to see the perpetrator's action immediately ran into the supermarket.

"Because it happened at dawn, the situation was quiet, the perpetrators easily took the money on the cashier's desk, the amount was Rp. 2 million," said Heri. After successfully taking the money at the cash register, the perpetrator immediately fled.

Now the perpetrator has been thrown into the detention cell of the Mataram Police. The perpetrator was named a suspect under Article 365 Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with a threat of nine years in prison.

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