SURABAYA - The East Java Police's Narcotics Directorate confiscated tens of kilograms of narcotics and hundreds of bottles containing liquor during April-November 2021. Now, the illicit goods are being destroyed at the East Java Police Headquarters in Surabaya.

The details of the evidence that was destroyed included 31.4 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, 18.085 kilograms of marijuana, 1,750 pills of ecstasy, 118,000 pills of Double L, 65 grams of synthetic tobacco and 7,320 bottles of various types of alcohol.

"The illicit goods were confiscated from 30 suspects," said the Deputy Chief of the East Java Police, Brigadier General Slamet Hadi Supraptoyo, Thursday, December 23.

Slamet said this extermination activity is a form of realization of the Police's task in uncovering drug cases. He said success cannot be separated from the role of community elements.

"Almost 60 percent of the disclosure of public information in the field," he said.

Destruction of drug evidence at the East Java Regional Police, Surabaya/PHOTO: AM Sby VOI

Therefore, Slamet invites the public to assist the police in uncovering drug trafficking in Indonesia, especially in East Java. In this way, the eradication of drugs can be optimal.

"Cooperation between communities is highly expected for years to come," he hoped.

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