AMBON - The Ambon Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) found 4,314 expired food packages ahead of Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022.

"The results of the intensification of processed food supervision before Christmas and New Year's Day, found that 143 items or 4,314 packages of expired food were found, with a value of Rp. 15.2 million," said Head of BPOM Ambon, Hermanto in Ambon, Antara, Thursday, December 23.

Types of expired food found in the form of food or soft drinks, beancurd, dried noodles, cocoa powder, biscuits, cooking spices, candy, ice cream, packaged tea and others.

Meanwhile, damaged food (torn or leaking packaging, dented/rusted cans) consisted of eight items or 14 packages with a value of Rp. 89 thousand. Food with plain packaging as much as one item or 25 packages with a value of IDR 250 thousand.

He said that the intensification of processed food supervision was carried out in 128 facilities, 96 distribution facilities (75 percent) met the provisions, and 32 facilities (25 percent) did not meet the provisions. Of the 32 facilities that did not meet the requirements, 152 items or 4,328 packages were found, with a value of Rp. 15.5 million.

"The products found were expired, damaged packaging, food in plain packaging (the original packaging was removed, then sold without a label)," he said.

Supervision is carried out in five stages, starting from December 1, 2021 to January 7, 2022, with the target of processed food without a marketing permit (TIE), expired and damaged.

Supervision is carried out in facilities, namely food distributors, modern retailers, shops to kiosks in traditional markets and parcel sellers.

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