JAKARTA - At the end of 2019, some regions in Indonesia witnessed the history of natural phenomena in the form of a ring solar eclipse. This phenomenon, which is quite rare, can only be observed again in the next 1 or two years.
Quoted from the BMKG report, the solar eclipse first appeared at the end of Sumatra, namely in Aceh. A solar eclipse has been seen in Aceh at 10.19 WIB. Hundreds of astronomers and amateur photographers gathered at Singapore's port for an event some described as a "once in a lifetime" event.
"The next one will happen in about 40 years, I think," said Jason Teng, who was willing to take time off to photograph the eclipse, quoted from the South China Morning Post, Thursday, December 26, 2019.
Another country that is enthusiastic about witnessing this rare event is India. Through his personal Twitter account, Indian Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi shared his activities while watching the solar eclipse.
"Like most Indians, I am enthusiastic about # solareclipse2019. Unfortunately, I could not see the solar eclipse because it was cloudy, but I did catch a glimpse of the eclipse in Kozhikode and other parts of the live broadcast. It also enriched my knowledge of eclipses by interacting with experts," PM Modi said.
Like many Indians, I was enthusiastic about # solareclipse2019. Unfortunately, I could not see the Sun due to cloud cover but I did catch glimpses of the eclipse in Kozhikode and other parts on live stream. Also enriched my knowledge on the subject by interacting with experts. pic.twitter.com/EI1dcIWRIz
- Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) December 26, 2019
Not just a natural phenomenon, in India a solar eclipse is also a part of rituals and special moments to say special prayers. Hundreds of Hindus in India gather on the Ganges River, Uttar Pradesh, for ritual purification and prayers during the solar eclipse.
Middle eastern countries such as Doha, Qatar, also get the opportunity to witness the solar eclipse. The observed ring solar eclipse occurred in Doha at 6:37 a.m. local time. The solar eclipse in Doha reportedly ended at 07.51am local time.

The solar eclipse is expected to reappear on 21 June 2020. The 2020 solar eclipse is expected to cross Ethiopia, South Sudan, Yemen, Oman, Pakistan, India, China and Taiwan. The best viewing locations are Quriyat in Oman, Lhasa in Tibet, and the port city of Xiamen on the southeast coast of China. From Hong Kong there will be an 86 percent partial solar eclipse.
In contrast to a total solar eclipse
In fact, a ring solar eclipse has happened before in Indonesia, on January 26, 2009 and August 22, 1998. The total solar eclipse also visited Indonesia, which was last seen in March 2016 and March 1988.
Anthronomically, a ring solar eclipse occurs when the moon is farther from the earth. With that position, even though the moon is in line with the sun and the earth, its smaller disk cannot block out all the sunlight, dark in the center and bright in the periphery.
1. On December 26 there will be a ring solar eclipse phenomenon pic.twitter.com/4bUwxM7OhO
- Humas_BMKG (@InfoHumasBMKG) December 20, 2019
The phenomenon of a ring solar eclipse can be seen when the earth is at its closest point from the sun and usually occurs at the beginning and end of the year. As for the duration of the total and ring solar eclipse, both can be seen for 3 to 7 minutes.
Meanwhile, a total solar eclipse occurs when the moon is fairly close to the earth. The disk of the moon will look bigger and can completely cover the sun. The phenomenon of a total solar eclipse occurs when the earth is farthest from the sun and usually occurs in the middle of the year.
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