JAKARTA - Initiator for the Action to Save Indonesia (WE) Coalition Ahmad Yani emphasized that the formation of WE was not intended to shake the government of Joko Widodo (Jokowi). WE according to him, move with moral strength.

"We have no intention of shaking the government, this movement is a moral movement. We have no shaking power, we are moral strength. We collect people's opinions and we distribute them. If we don't want to listen, we will return it to the people, ”said Yani when contacted, Wednesday, August 19.

Therefore, the government was asked not to overreact with the formation of the US. WE, called Yani, was initiated to help provide views on dealing with national problems.

"The government shouldn't be afraid, our system is presidential. We will not transform into mass organizations or political parties, ”said Yani.

The Chair of the US Executive Committee said that all views and solutions to the nation's problems would be channeled to state institutions such as the DPR and the MPR. From the views that have emerged, WE agree to declare the condition of the nation as problematic. According to him, this condition also occurs because the state instruments are not working effectively.

"For example, the DPR, which has to be supervised, but becomes a stamp institution. Regarding the economy of minus 5.32 percent, was it because of COVID-19 or long before it was because economic observers had reminded us two years earlier, "he continued.

On the legal side, efforts to eradicate corruption are deemed not encouraging. Yani mentioned the terror case of sprinkling hard water against Novel Baswedan, whose intellectual actor has not been revealed.

“The people's wish should be accommodated by political parties but we will channel it. If it has been conveyed, but we close our eyes, we will submit it to the community, ”added Yani.

So a Spotlight

WE, who were declared by a number of figures including Din Syamsuddin and Gatot Nurmantyo at the Proclamation Monument on Tuesday, August 18, were in the spotlight. It is not only the question of political intentions, the health protocol at the time of the declaration was touched upon.

"Never mind, they all point their nose first before pointing at the nose of others. Especially against Pak Joko Widodo," said PDIP politician Ruhut Sitompul.

Meanwhile, criminal law expert from the University of Indonesia (UI) Indriyanto Seno Adji reminded US to act according to the constitution. OUR criticisms to the government are reminded not to go too far in provoking it to break the rules.

Indriyanto said that if criticism of government policies was included in the accusation of Jokowi violating the constitution and spreading provocation, the criticism or statement could potentially become a form of formal insult.

"So it must be distinguished between criticism / statements in the context of freedom of opinion and formal insults that violate the law," said Indriyanto in a written statement to journalists, Tuesday, August 18 evening.

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