JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has named former Bengkulu Governor Agusrin M Najamudin and former member of the DPR RI Raden Saleh Abdul Malik as suspects in the blank check mode fraud case. The determination of the suspect is based on the evidence and the results of the case title.

"Yes, he has become a suspect by the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya," said Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan when confirmed, Wednesday, December 22.

This suspect was determined after going through the process of investigation and investigation. Where, both were reported by PT Tirto Alam Sindo (TAC) in March 2020.

In fact, said Zulpan, the case file is already in the P21 stage. Where, the two suspects have become the responsibility of the Prosecutor's Office.

"Yes. The file has been transferred to the prosecutor's office," said Zulpan.

Separately, Raden Saleh and Agusrin's attorney, Yasrizal denied that his client had committed fraud with a blank check mode of Rp 33 billion. In fact, the reporting party is said to have distorted the facts.

"Intentionally distorting the facts with the aim of pressuring our clients to pay for goods whose real price is only Rp. 6 billion and asking for payment of Rp. 33 billion," said Yasrizal.

The statement was made because his client as the President Director of PT Anugrah Pratama Inspirasi (PT API) was willing to pay whatever the transaction value was.

"Pak Saleh asked for an appraisal by an independent team, but the seller did not want to be assessed by an independent appraisal team, still forcing our client to pay Rp 33 billion according to an oral agreement," said Yasrizal.

In addition, from the start, Yasrizal continued, his client as the buyer had issued an advance of Rp. 7.5 billion to the seller PT Tirto Alam Cindo when the verbal agreement was agreed. turned out to be far from what was agreed upon.

"Many of the factory machines which are claimed as assets by the seller and included in the sale and purchase agreement, there are no goods, because they have been sold to other parties before," said Yasrizal.

Thus, his client requested an appraisal by an independent team to find a proper and proper value for the machines.

"If the independent appraisal team doesn't want to do an assessment, the transaction will be canceled and the down payment of Rp 7.5 billion asked to be returned. This was also stated in an official letter sent by Saleh and to the seller," said Yasrizal.

"To this day, the seller is not willing to do an appraisal, instead they continue to pressure Mr. Saleh to pay Rp. 33 billion. In fact, the value is only Rp. 6 billion," he continued.

Yasrizal also said regarding the sale and purchase agreement, each party agreed to submit a blank check as a guarantee for the transaction.

"The seller submits a check to the buyer and the buyer submits a check to the seller as a guarantee for the transaction," said Yasrizal.

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