JAKARTA - Secretary-General of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board Helmy Faisal Zaini ensured that all preparations for the 34th NU Congress had been completed. He hoped that the entire congress could proceed smoothly.

This was conveyed by Helmy Faisal after reviewing the implementation of the 34th NU Congress in Lampung, precisely at the Darussa'adah Islamic Boarding School in Gunungsugih, Central Lampung, Tuesday, December 21.

"Preparations are complete. We ask for prayers from all residents so that this event will run cool, calm, successful, and produce important decisions that are beneficial for the community and the nation," Helmy said at the location.

"The plan is that the location of the election will be held at the Darussa'adah Islamic Boarding School. Although there are still some location considerations, God willing, it will be according to the initial plan," he continued.

Helmy explained that the series of events for the 34th NU congress will begin with the opening, followed by discussion and ratification of the rules of the congress, plenary sessions, commission sessions, and so on.

Meanwhile, the caretaker of the Darussa'adah Mojo Agung Islamic Boarding School, Seputih Jaya, Gunung Sugih District, Central Lampung Regency, Lampung Province, KH Muhsin Abdillah feels very grateful because the location for the congress, which was originally contested in several locations, is now finally placed in his Islamic Boarding School.

"This time, Allah has placed the congress at the Darussa'adah Islamic Boarding School. This is a fadhal (a gift) from Allah," said Kiai Muhsin.

"The committee has prepared thoroughly. To comply with health protocols, the participants, which were originally 700 people, have been reduced to 600," said Bashori, one of the local congress committee members.

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