JAKARTA - A student from Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) succeeded in surprising the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo. It's nothing, the student has a last name similar to himself, Ganjar.

This incident occurred when Ganjar Pranowo was participating in a webinar with the Buddhist Student Association (Hikmahbudhi) Tuesday, December 21. At that time the host named Silawati Dayang Ganjar greeted him. This is where Ganjar reflexively immediately asked about the name of the reader of the show.

"Is it true that your name is Ganjar? So your father's name is also Ganjar?" Ganjar asked Silawati in a written statement from the Central Java Provincial Government received by the editor.

Silawati confirmed that there was indeed a Ganjar name. It wasn't his father's name. The name was taken from a hamlet in Mareje Village, Lembar District, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara.

"Yes sir, there is. Ganjar is the name of where I live in Lombok. More precisely, Ganjar hamlet, sir," answered Silawati.

"Huh, the place where he lives is called Ganjar? I thought you were my son, from which wife do you know?" said Ganjar responding back while throwing a joke at Silawati. The joke also made the webinar participants laugh.

Meanwhile in the webinar themed "Preparing Young Buddhist Entrepreneurs in Welcoming the 2045 Golden Generation", Ganjar Pranowo said the entrepreneurial ratio in Indonesia is currently 3.1 percent or around 8.06 million people. That is a challenge for all of us because there are still few entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs.

"So all of you still have the opportunity to fill the next hundred million. This means that there are many opportunities to become entrepreneurs," said Ganjar.

Speaking of Indonesia in 2045 which is the golden content of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the demographic bonus has reached its peak. That year is the year of today's young generation.

"You just have to wait or pick up. If you want to pick up, talent must be developed and then practiced so you can feel how it hurts to fall and how good it is to fly. In your hands the leadership will be taken," said Ganjar.

Ganjar added, to meet 2045, the younger generation needs to have a strong character. Like a nationalist, having a national spirit, as well as being creative, innovative and able to collaborate.

"Adaptive abilities are important because they are usually more flexible in communicating. Emotional intelligence must also be managed in addition to intellectual intelligence," said Ganjar.

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