PAPUA - The Jayapura Regency Government (Pemkab) paid compensation for the customary rights of the alternative PON XX Papua road covering an area of more than four hectares in Nedali Village, Yabaso, Jayapura Regency, Papua Province.

The Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Jayapura Regency, Hanna Hikoyabi, said that this is the task of the regional government that must be completed because the community has been waiting for the payment of the rights to the land.

"However, efforts have been made and it has been agreed and submitted to the community that compensation for the land used for the construction of the road from Yabaso to Nendali will be paid, although not all have been paid, namely the first stage of Rp. 1 billion," he said in a press release in Jayapura, Antara, Tuesday. December 22.

According to Hanna, after the agreement and the signing of the minutes on December 20, 2021, the technical payment will be made on December 21, 2021 at around 13.00 to 15.00 WIT at the Jayapura Regency Government.

"There are eight points that have been agreed on regarding the payment, so we apologize in advance, and we thank the indigenous peoples who have been cooperative," he said.

He explained that the community had come many times asking for the realization of the payment for customary land. However, there has been an agreement and it has been completed in which the rest will be given in the first quarter to be paid another 50 percent.

Meanwhile, Ondoafi Ifar Besar in Jayapura Regency, Wiliam Yoku said his party was grateful for the ongoing process in which all the existing tribes, namely about 12 tribes, had agreed on the results of the meeting so that there were no more problems.

"So there are no more problems related to the land, the 12 tribes have signed an agreement with the local government so that the first stage is paid Rp1 billion and the rest will be next year," he said.

He explained that the land area is more than four hectares for alternative roads and three hectares for the jetty, with the price per meter according to the agreement is Rp. 1.6 million per meter.

In addition, Demo Action Coordinator Everly Taime said that the demonstration culture was not a reflection of the residents of Jayapura Regency, and he also asked the local government to immediately resolve the problems that exist.

"So our hope is, we don't demo before we get paid, we district people are not like that, this matter is a customary right, so it's done with the applicable rules," he said.

Previously, hundreds of indigenous people of Kampung Ifar Besar held a demonstration at the Jayapura Regency Regent's Office on Monday. From this action, it was agreed that the Jayapura Regency Government would pay the claim for compensation for the customary rights of the alternative PON XX Papua road covering an area of more than four hectares in Nedali Village, Yabaso which was held today.

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