LAMPUNG - Preparing quality human resources must be the focus in facing the challenges of the global era. Human resources (HR) is very important to realize independence.

"So this portion of human resources is very important, one thing to be independent is human resources, number one is human resources, number two is human resources, number 3 is human resources, four human resources, five human resources, numbers one to five are still human resources. To be able to build the country's economy, and the people which is independent," said Chairman of the Economic Institute for the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board Jaenal Effendi in a discussion on the 34th NU Road to Congress, Monday, December 20.

In addition to human resources, Indonesia will also be required to have national independence, so that it can survive in the face of global competition. This means that independence must be interpreted as the ability to play a dominant role in conditions of interdependence with other nations.

According to him in the science of life, humans born in this world have a very high dependence or dependence on their parents. Then it is said that when they are mature, they are independent, they are not dependent on their parents or anything else.

"Well, it turns out to be even more matcher when at the next level, after being dependent, then independent. Now, the third thing in the life of the nation and state in a global context is Interdependence," he explained.

The 34th Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) congress will be held from next Wednesday, December 22 to December 23, 2021 in Lampung. The congress will take the theme 'Towards a Century of NU, Building Citizens' Independence for World Peace'.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the 34th NU Congress, Imam Aziz, views this congress as very important. Because NU will enter the end of 100 years after it was founded last January 1926.

"In the congress later, NU needs to reflect on the success that has been achieved so far, for almost a century. In addition, NU will prepare a strategy in welcoming the second century," said Imam.

Aziz explained that the independence of NU citizens in the economic field was one of the things that was given special attention in welcoming the NU century. For him, currently NU residents have not yet reached the expected goals.

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