SAMARINDA - The DPR's Special Committee (Pansus) on the Draft Law on the National Capital City (RUU IKN) has started an inventory of potential problems related to the plan to relocate the new IKN to North Penajam Paser and Kutai Kartanegara Regencies, East Kalimantan.

"We need to get input and support from all parties in East Kalimantan Province, such as academics, indigenous peoples, community organizations, including students," said Member of the Special Committee for the DPR IKN Bill G Budisatrio Djiwandono in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 20.

Budisatrio said that there are many things that need to be monitored so that the law that will be enacted will actually bring real benefits to the wider community, especially the people of East Kalimantan.

The Special Committee for the DPR IKN Bill emphasized that rehabilitation of damaged land in East Kalimantan should be carried out. This needs to be done so that development does not only focus on the IKN area, but also takes into account the buffer areas.

"There are several areas where the land has been degraded so that it must be handled immediately. If the damaged land is not repaired, the impacts will certainly be many, including floods," he said.

Budi, who is the Deputy Chair of Commission IV of the DPR RI, said that in this case the Special Committee for the IKN Bill of the DPR RI did not set a target to complete the IKN Bill, although the government targets it by early 2022 because it prioritizes the precautionary principle.

This was conveyed by Budi during an interview after absorbing the aspirations of the people of East Kalimantan which was held at a hotel in Samarinda with the theme "Silaturrahmi and Absorbing Aspirations for the IKN Bill".

For members of the special committee, the DPR reduced the number of members of the Special Committee for the IKN Bill, from 56 people to 30 people. This change refers to Law Number 13 of 2019 concerning the Third Amendment to Law Number 17 of 2014 concerning the MPR, DPR, DPD, and DPRD.

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