JAKARTA - A 9-year-old boy was reported to have drowned as a result of being dragged by a stream of children from the Ciliwung River in Cililitan Village, Kramat Jati District, East Jakarta. The incident occurred when Jakarta was pouring rain today.

IA, initials, registered as a resident of RT 14/05, Cililitan Village, he was lost in the current while playing around the riverbank with his friends.

According to Ita (45), a witness at the scene, before the victim drifted away, he saw the victim playing with two of his friends. At that time, it was raining heavily and the flow of the Ciliwung River was rising.

Officers search for a 9-year-old boy who drowned in Ciliwung River, East Jakarta/Photo: IST

At the time of the incident, Ita was also at the door of his house in RT 2/15, Cililitan Village, Kramat Jati District, East Jakarta.

"I already told him, don't play there, it's raining heavily, the water is still high, but it keeps coming back", Ita told reporters, Monday, December 20.

As a result, at around 14.00 WIB, Ilham was dragged away by the current of the Ciliwung River, which at that time was about 3 meters high.

"He was still picking up trash, and instead of slipping, his hand was pulled by the current", she said.

When Ilham was swept away by the current, his two friends left in a panic. Ita also admitted that she had seen Ilham's hand waving for help.

"Yes, there was a time, his head and hands were visible, they weren't screaming, just his hands were waving at his head (it was visible)", she said.

Meanwhile, according to Annisa, as the victim's neighbor, Ilham was only wearing pants at the time of the incident.

"When the incident happened, the victim did not wear clothes, only pants. This has been reported to the Fire Department and BPBD (Regional Disaster Management Agency). Hopefully, they will be found soon", she said.

Annisa said the victim was the youngest of three siblings.

"This victim is the third of three children, the youngest", she said.

The East Jakarta Fire and Rescue Sub-dept. have been searching with rubber boats since 15:17 WIB.

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