CISARUA - A married couple died after jumping from the sixth floor of a hotel in the Puncak area, Cisarua, Bogor Regency, West Java.

"That's right, we processed the TKP (the crime scene) together with the Denpom (Military Police Detachment). We handed it over to the Denpom," said Cisarua Police Chief, Kompol Supriyanto, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 20.

According to him, the husband and wife jumped at around 01.00 WIB after checking in at around 18.00 WIB on Sunday, December 19 with their two children.

"The jump was early this morning at around 01.00 WIB. The child was in the room. But it was the husband and wife who jumped," said Supriyanto.

According to the information gathered, the husband and wife did not jump at the same time, but the wife jumped first, followed by the fall of the husband after the two had a fight.

Supriyanto also confirmed that the husband and wife were members of the TNI family. Therefore, the crime scene (TKP) was also carried out simultaneously by Denpom.

"We have handed over to friends from Denpom after processing the crime scene," he said.

The two bodies of the husband and wife were then taken to the Ciawi Regional General Hospital (RSUD).

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