SOLO - The Surakarta City Government has confirmed that it will help complete the QR Code for the church in preparation for the 2021 Christmas celebration.

"Churches that don't have a barcode, we will help with the barcode," said Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka after reviewing the church's readiness in Solo, Monday, December 20.

Regarding the number of churches that have not been equipped with a QR Code for the care to protect application, until now his party has not been able to confirm the number.

"Yes, we went around (around) first, all churches should have used it, but even though there is no barcode here, the process is strict," he said.

He said the health protocols that had been implemented in the church were one of the seating arrangements that implemented social distancing.

"Moreover, every member of the congregation also has a seat number. They don't need to bring a vaccine card, just bring an application to protect them. This will make tracking easier," he said. given by the Surakarta City Government.

"Earlier, Mas Gibran, as the mayor here, wanted to help with barcodes. We would like to thank Mas Gibran and the people of Surakarta for watching over us for a smooth Christmas celebration on the night of December 24 and December 25. Hopefully everything will go well and smoothly," he said.

To ensure that members of the congregation practice social distancing, he said, those who are allowed to attend church services are only those who already hold the tickets provided by the church.

"So those who don't use tickets can't enter, the quota is 500 people. In normal situations it can reach 2,500 people, so this is only 20 percent. They (congregation members) have registered tickets since three weeks ago, one of the conditions is that they must be vaccinated second," he said. This was reported by Antara.

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