JAKARTA - Deputy for the Coordination of Quality Improvement for Children, Women and Youth at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) Femmy Eka Kartika Putri said perpetrators of sexual crimes should be punished to the maximum extent.

This statement was made after the rampant acts of sexual abuse and violence in the educational environment, including religious education. Femmy is concerned that children who should receive protection have become victims and make them suffer physically and spiritually and have their future stolen.

"Especially if the impact is related to the future and the psychology of the children. The large number of victims must also be taken into consideration which makes the punishment heavier," said Femmy as quoted from her written statement, Monday, December 20.

He said the maximum sentence that could be given to perpetrators of sexual crimes under the Child Protection Act was 15 years in prison. However, if the perpetrator is an educator in the school environment, the sentence can be increased to 20 years in prison.

In addition, the perpetrator can also be sentenced to death, life imprisonment or a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of 20 years if the act of sexual violence he committed caused more than one victim, resulted in serious injury, mental disorders, infectious diseases, impaired or loss of function. reproduction, and/or the victim dies.

This, continued Femmy, referring to Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perpu) Number 1 of 2016 which has been stipulated as Law Number 17 of 2016.

Furthermore, Femmy said that currently PP 70/2020 has been issued regarding Procedures for Implementing Chemical Castration, Installation of Electronic Detection Devices, Rehabilitation, and Announcement of the Identity of Perpetrators of Sexual Violence Against Children.

"The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture coordinates with relevant ministries/agencies to immediately issue ministerial regulations/heads of institutions that technically implement PP 70 of 2020 in order to realize efforts to protect children from violence and sexual crimes," said Femmy.

The castration punishment in Indonesia that is applied to perpetrators is therapeutic treatment or some kind of treatment. Femmy said that this punishment does not have a painful effect or torture but to prevent the recurrence of sexual violence.

Not only giving punishment, handling victims of sexual violence must be a priority because it is related to the future of children where trauma recovery is also a priority.

For this reason, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture coordinates with ministries, institutions, and local governments so that the child as a victim is confirmed to immediately receive several psychosocial support services to recover from trauma; Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) assistance; medical examination; to legal assistance.

Next, the victim must also be given the fulfillment of the right to education to be able to return to school; fulfillment of the civil rights of children/babies who have been born, in the form of birth certificates, Child Identity Cards (KIA), and Family Cards; and capital assistance for creative economic business tools and the like, as well as assistance for the Family Hope Program (PKH).

"The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture ensures that children as victims who have had babies because they are victims of heinous acts, need to be given education about parenting and upbringing so that they remain enthusiastic and optimistic about nurturing and realizing the growth and development of their children," said Femmy.

"For the baby, it is certain that he will receive social protection, assistance in fulfilling his population administration and service assistance to optimize his growth and development," he concluded.

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