JAKARTA - To date, the bodies of six Indonesian citizens in Malaysia have been verified by their families, namely the initials M from Pekanbaru, TM and AM (Cilacap), BB and SM (Central Lombok), and AP from East Lombok.

"In connection with the shipwreck disaster in the waters of Johor (15/12), the Indonesian Consulate General in Johor Bahru's Task Force is still coordinating with the relevant authorities for the handling and identification of the victims," said the Coordinator of the Social and Cultural Affairs Function of the Indonesian Consulate General in Johor Bahru, Andhita Purnama Putri, quoted by Antara, Sunday, 19 December.

The number of victims who died was recorded as 21 people (15 men and 6 women) and the number of survivors was 13 people (11 men and two women).

"The Indonesian Consulate General in Johor Bahru's Task Force has coordinated with the family and related agencies for the repatriation process of the bodies to their areas of origin in Indonesia at the first opportunity," he said.

The Indonesian Consulate General in Johor Bahru has opened a complaint hotline for families and the public seeking information regarding the incident at +6016-770378 or +6017-7716866.

"KJRI Johor Bahru appealed to Indonesian citizens not to use illegal routes to or from Malaysia for the sake of security and personal safety," he said.

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