JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri emphasized that the salaries of the employees of the institutions he leads will not decrease even though they change their status to become state civil servants (ASN).

"We continue to struggle and remain committed to the take home pay of KPK employees, that until August 12 yesterday I had not received the news that the take home pay would drop. So it remains the same," Firli said in a press conference broadcast online on the KPK RI YouTube account, Tuesday, August 18th.

This salary issue, continued Firli, has also been discussed with the Director General of Budget, Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu). So he asked for the noise about salary issues after the issuance of Government Regulation (PP) 41/2020 no longer be extended.

"Don't let anyone talk about anything else, he said, civil servant salaries like this and that. Don't repeat it and don't need to be done. On August 13, I summoned the Director General of the Ministry of Finance, I talked about it so that there would be no noise," he said.

The former South Sumatra Police Chief also said that PP 41/2020 does not regulate recruitment issues but rather concerns over the status of KPK employees. It's just that, in the process there are a number of conditions that must be followed by employees of anti-meat institutions as regulated in Article 3 of the regulation.

As in Article 3 it is explained that the transfer of KPK employees to ASN can only be carried out on the condition that the employees have the status of permanent employees or non-permanent employees of the KPK and are obedient and loyal to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and legitimate government.

"Apart from that, it is not allowed. That's why the leadership stated that there will be no new recruits," he said.

The status transfer process will not be arbitrary. Because, Firli said that the transfer of employee status must still refer to Article 6 PP 41/2020 which is regulated in accordance with the Commission Regulation (Perkom) which has not yet been formulated.

"So, there should be no worries with colleagues over 35 years of age. I have told you from the beginning that the PP is not a recruitment, because if the ASN appointment has a maximum requirement of 36 years, the PP title will change the status," he explained.

Complementing Firli's statement, KPK Deputy Chairman Nurul Ghufron said that the KPK would make rules regarding status transfer which decided whether or not tests or education were needed in adjusting positions in structural after transfer of employment status.

"There are several things that are not the same, for example, the structure of the ranks of office, the pilgrimage needs adjustments. So PP 41/2020 needs to be formed to regulate the transition process from KPK employees to ASN and in the staffing system it is necessary to adjust positions, namely structural and functional," said Ghufron.

Previously, the government officially decided that KPK employees now have the status of the state civil apparatus (ASN). This status was strengthened by the issuance of Government Regulation (PP) Number 41 of 2020 concerning the Transfer of KPK Employees to ASN.

The regulation that emerged as a result of the revision of the KPK Law was signed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on July 24 and promulgated on July 27.

The PP contains four parts and 12 articles. Regarding the change in status as stipulated in the provisions of Article 4, which states that there are a number of stages in the transfer of status, namely adjusting the position at the KPK to the ASN position in accordance with the laws and regulations, identifying the type and number of employees, mapping the suitability of the qualifications and competence of KPK employees, and carry out and determine the class of office in accordance with the provisions of law.

This regulation also guarantees that the transfer of status will be carried out with due regard to the internal organizational structure of the KPK.

Furthermore, Article 9 of this PP also regulates the salary and allowances for KPK employees. Employees of anti-profit institutions will currently be given salaries and allowances under the provisions of the law and if there is a decrease from the previous nominal, they will be given special allowances which are applied from the Presidential Regulation.

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