JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan was asked not to ignore 471 reports of alleged corruption to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in his area. The Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) considers that Governor Anies must make improvements and evaluate the performance of his staff to prevent corrupt practices in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government area.

"When it comes to warnings, the Governor of DKI Jakarta should be better at planning the budget, using it, and being accountable for it," said MAKI Coordinator Boyamin Saiman, Sunday, December 19.

"So he (Anies) at the end of his term of office must really supervise all the use of money, and money that was previously overpaid, for example, must be immediately ordered to be returned," he continued.

MAKI also appealed to Governor Anies to coordinate with the KPK and other law enforcers to create an anti-corruption system. The former Minister of Education and Culture is expected to be alert if there is a rasuah case that befell his staff.

"As yesterday, for example, the Jakpro case (alleged corruption in the Formula E racing event), they (the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government) are proactive, they are good," said Boyamin. throughout 2021. Because, Boyamin said, not all corruption allegations submitted to the KPK meet the reporting requirements.

"Sometimes the reports are from the public, and sometimes divorce lawsuits are reported to the KPK on the grounds that someone is suspected of playing bribery, for example," concluded Boyamin.

To note, as of November 30, 2021, the KPK has received a total of 3,708 complaints and a total of 3,673 complaints have been verified. Based on the kpk.go.id page, DKI Jakarta ranks first with 471 complaints, West Java with 410 complaints, North Sumatra with 346 complaints, East Java with 330 complaints, and Central Java with 240 complaints.

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