JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G. Plate asked the public not to panic and remain vigilant in implementing health protocols in response to the confirmed variant of Omicron COVID-19 in Indonesia.

"The government through the Ministry of Health has announced the discovery of a variant of concern (voc) Omicron in Indonesia, which we know is spreading very quickly. In response to this, we hope that the public will not panic. Stay calm, maintain an alert attitude, improve health protocols and complete vaccinations immediately. Also, help the government strengthen the implementation of 3T or Testing, Tracing, Treatment," Johnny said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 16. Johnny also asked the public ahead of the Christmas and New Year holidays to be able to mobilize as needed and not to travel if it's not urgent. .

Johnny also reminded the public to continue to follow the advice of health experts regarding the implementation of health protocols.

As long as the implementation of health protocols is carried out correctly and with discipline, the public can prevent the SARS-CoV-2 virus from infecting the human body. In addition, people who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine are asked to immediately receive the vaccine so that if exposed, the patient's body will not experience severe symptoms. which adversely affects health.

"We think everyone knows this, but we will repeat it and warn it, because it is proven that there are still people who forget or are negligent. We must remind each other and take care of each other, because controlling COVID-19 is a collective effort," he said.

Even though the government is approaching the holiday period, they are still doing their job of accelerating the delivery of the COVID-19 vaccine to people who have not received it.

Including preparing vaccinations for the newest younger age group for children aged 6-11 years, the COVID-19 vaccine has begun to be given.

It is hoped that parents who have children aged 6-11 years can give their sons and daughters the COVID-19 vaccine to help the baby's body have immunity from COVID-19.

“The vaccination program for children 6-11 years old, which parents have been waiting for, has now started. Don't hesitate, let's immediately vaccinate our children because they have an important role in protecting the family. Also vaccination of the elderly, must remain a priority so that this vulnerable group is immediately protected," he said.

Approaching the Christmas and New Year holidays, people are also asked to be wise in doing activities outside the home, especially when mobilizing

The Minister of Communication and Informatics suggested that during the holiday period, it is better for people to be able to do activities at home and do activities that foster warmth with their families.

"Better stay at home. However, if you have to travel, make sure you are healthy, obey all the rules for tightening Christmas and New Years, use Care to Protect properly, and don't forget to tighten health protocols," he stressed.

Finally, he reminded people to always apply a healthy and clean lifestyle so that their body health becomes optimal and maintained.

“One more thing, improve a healthy lifestyle, think optimistically. Hopefully with these various efforts, we can suppress the development of Omicron and other virus variants and Indonesia will continue to recover gradually," said Johnny.

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