EAST JAVA - The government of Tulungagung Regency, East Java, held a field capability selection test (SKB) which was attended by 434 further test participants for the 2021 state civil apparatus candidate (CASN).
The number of SKB participants was originally 439 people, but five of them did not attend the field ability selection test without any clear reasons.
"Those who do not attend will be declared dead immediately," said the Head of Procurement, Information, and Profession of the State Civil Apparatus at the Tulungagung Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM), Pongky Kurniawan, Wednesday, December 15.
The implementation of the SKB was held at the Crown Victoria hotel, involving local committees and BKN. However, not all participants can take the exam directly due to their remote domicile.
"Out of the 439 participants, only 415 took the exam at the Crown Hotel. The rest were scattered in the BKN Regional Office (Kanreg) which is closest to their house," he explained.
Those who took the SKB were those who passed the basic ability selection test (SKD) on September 21, 2021. At that time, more than 2,500 people participated in the SKD. Those who passed the SKD were 439 people and fought over 169 formations.
Of the 415 who took the SKB directly at the Crown Hotel, five people were immediately declared disqualified because they were not present at the examination.
In addition, there are several formations that are empty, because there are no registrants. "There are no specialist doctors, about seven people," he said.
This position remains vacant because it cannot be filled by other formations. Another vacant position is disability formation.
Even though there is no registrar, the disability path can still be filled from other similar formations.
The test is conducted in 3 waves. Each wave lasts 1 hour 30 minutes.
To anticipate cheating, the computer will be restarted every morning, so that the data on the computer is lost and cannot be accessed by the next participant.
"We can't turn on (the computer) without a login from BKN," he said.
Before entering the exam room, all participants had to pass a health screening. Screening is done to prevent clusters from forming in this test.
Participants must be able to show negative evidence of rapid antigen.
If they are reactive or show symptoms similar to COVID-19, participants are still allowed to take the exam in a special room that has been provided. "There are 6 booths that we have prepared," he said.
Finally, in the implementation of this exam, there is a 90-minute pause to clean the test area, before it is used by the next participant, said Pongky Kurniawan.
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