JAKARTA - The action of Abdul Malik, a cowboy driving a Lamborghini in the Kemang area, South Jakarta, has attracted attention. In fact, the motive for his arrogant action was only based on a trivial incident.

Abdul Malik's action began when he passed by in his luxury car, Monday, December 23. On the way, he met two students. Feeling amazed by the orange luxury car, they expressed their feelings.

Hearing what these students said, for some reason, Abdul Malik was offended. Without further ado, he got out of his luxury car and went straight to the two teenagers.

In fact, Abdul Malik also made insults and insults directed at the two students. It didn't stop there. He also shouted at the teenager to stop. Because when the luxury car driver got off, they immediately fled.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that was when Abdul Malik was recorded to have fired three shots into the air. First, when asking students to stop and second and third when chasing the youth.

"There were three shots fired by the person concerned during the incident," said Yusri, Tuesday, December 24.

Not accepting that treatment, the two teenagers reported the incident to the South Jakarta Metro Police. The police immediately followed up on the report. Soon, Abdul Malik was arrested.

During the arrest, the police confiscated several pieces of evidence in the form of bullet casings, firearms, and the remaining bullets that had not been fired.

"The evidence that we secure is in the form of a 32 caliber firearm, three shells of bullets that have been fired, and nine active bullets," said Yusri.

After being arrested and examined, investigators named Abdul Malik as a suspect. The police charged him with layered articles, namely Articles 335 and 336 of the Criminal Code with the threat of one year in prison.

Car destroyed

After Abdul Malik was arrested, the luxury car with police number B 27 AYR was left at his residence. However, a few days later, the car was actually found in the courtyard of the South Jakarta Metro Police, destroyed in several parts.

Head of South Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Police Commissioner Andi Sinjaya Ghalib confirmed this. According to him, the damage to the luxury car was due to an accident on Tuesday, December 24, in the early hours of the morning. However, the Lamborghini driver was not Abdul Malik, but his younger brother.

"Previously, we left the car at (Abdul Malik) 's house while he was investigating as a suspect. It turned out that his younger brother took the car without the knowledge of the house," said Andi when confirmed, Wednesday, December 25.

However, it was emphasized that the police had warned Abdul Malik's family not to use the luxury car because it would be used as evidence. It's just that, the warning was ignored. Until finally there was an accident in Sarinah, Thamrin.

"Finally, he (Adik AM) hit a road separator in the Sudirman area and it was damaged. It is currently being processed at the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya," said Andi.

Confirmed separately, the Head of Sub-Directorate of Bin Gakkum, Directorate of Traffic of Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Fahri Siregar confirmed the accident. He said the Lamborghini driver with the initials MS hit the busway separator right in front of the Sarinah Building, Central Jakarta.

Although there were no fatalities, the cause of the accident was said to have occurred because MS was affected by drinking. In fact, from the results of the investigation, Abdul Malik's younger brother drank alcoholic drinks in the Senayan area.

"The temporary suspicion is influenced by alcoholic drinks. Initial information, he admitted that he had finished drinking alcohol in Senayan," said Fahri.

From the results of the examination, it was also said that the luxury car used a fake number plate when the accident occurred. However, the vehicle documents are declared complete and officially registered.

"The number plate used during the accident is not the original plate, but the car has a vehicle registration certificate (STNK) and a motorized vehicle number (TNKB) registered with the National Police,"

However, it is not yet known why the luxury car was subjected to a fake license plate. Interim guess, this was done to avoid the odd gem system. However, to prove it, Abdul Malik and his younger siblings are still being examined intensively.

"Until now the reason is still being investigated by investigators," said Fahri.

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