Munarman Holds Back Tears When Reading The Exception, Denny Siregar Quips: Inspired By Rachel Vennya, It Is Polite To Be Released
Munarman (DOK VOI)

JAKARTA - The defendant in the alleged terrorism crime case, Munarman held back his tears while reading the exception directly at the East Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, December 15.

One of Aziz Yanuar's lawyers said his client felt sad for the extraordinary injustice that had occurred so far.

Social media activist Denny Siregar also reacted to the sadness shown by the former Secretary of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). Denny said, maybe Munarman was inspired by Rachel Vennya.

"Maybe Munarman was inspired by Rachel Venya. So he cried in front of the judge to be released because he was polite," said Denny briefly via his official Twitter, @Dennysiregar7 quoted Wednesday, December 15.

The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) politician Mohamad Guntur Romli gave a similar satire. Gun Romli, his nickname, said that there are many typical humans like Munarman.

"When you're fighting fiercely, when you're arrested and put on trial, you cry, it's like this," quipped Gun Romli on Twitter @GunRomli.

Previously, Aziz Yanuar confirmed that his client was holding back tears because of the injustice he had received so far. Munarman's moment of sadness occurred when the person concerned wanted to read an exception for the alleged crime of terrorism.

Munarman was charged with mobilizing another person to commit terror. Munarman was silent before expressing his gratitude and gratitude that the case had entered the trial stage.

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