JAKARTA - The wife of West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, Atalia Praratya, has become the target of angry netizens on social media. This is because Atalia was accused of covering up the rape case of a female student that was only recently exposed.

Through the Instagram account @ataliapr, Atalia admits that she understands the anger of netizens against the rape of female students. Ridwan Kamil's wife then gave a clarification.

According to Atalia, the West Java Regional Police, West Java PPA UPTD, City/Regency P2TP2A, high prosecutors, LPSK and other related parties have been working professionally since the discovery of this case.

Outreach, examination, assistance, trauma healing and others for victims and legal processes for perpetrators have been carried out. Even now the trial has been held for the sixth time.

"For that I express my deepest gratitude," he explained, quoted on Monday, December 13.

"I'm not hiding this case from the media or the public. Not exposing does not mean covering. As the Mother of the West Java Regional Children's Forum, my job is to ensure that these child-age victims get their rights and get the best protection in accordance with the Child Protection Act. Focus on solutions, not sensations," said Atalia.

The dynamics that are developing at this time are related to the massive news that is feared to disturb the victim's psychology.

"It is unfortunate, because suddenly there are many parties who are trying to find identities and approach the victims/parents to explore their stories, disturb their lives again," said Atalia.

All parties called Atalia must pay attention to the psychological condition of the victim and their parents. There are 5 victims who have not been to school and 3 victims have been expelled from school because they have children from the rape.

“Their condition, which initially had begun to accept the situation, is now back to being anxious and traumatized. Some even want to leave school and move from their hometown. Protection for victims, including from reporting, is important so that other victims in other cases dare to report," he continued.

Atalia emphasized that she had coordinated with many parties to ensure the quickest and safest steps so that these underage victims would receive protection rights in accordance with the Child Protection Law, including ensuring their future, education and legal recognition of the baby they were born with.

"I invite all parties, both the community and the mass media to work together to help provide a sense of security to the victims by focusing on severe punishment for the perpetrators, so that barbaric things like this don't happen again," said Atalia.

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