JAKARTA - The central government canceled the plan to implement PPKM Level 3 simultaneously in all regions. However, it turns out that the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, has issued a governor's decision (kepgub) regarding Jakarta imposing PPKM Level 3 from 24 December 2021 to 2 January 2022.

Anies also explained the reason why he had already signed the governorship decree. Anies said, at the beginning of last December, the central government had issued an Instruction from the Minister of Home Affairs governing PPKM Level 3 for all regions. Then, DKI immediately compiled the derivative rules.

"Once we receive the Instruction from the Minister of Home Affairs regarding PPKM Level 3, in early December we immediately prepared the governor's regulation," said Anies when met in the East Jakarta area, Monday, December 13.

He said the DKI Provincial Government had deliberately prepared the rules long before the implementation on December 24 so that the public could be prepared to implement the rules for restricting mobility during the Christmas and New Year holiday periods.

"Why do we prepare for it at the beginning? So that people who have businesses can get ready even though it will be implemented towards the end of the year," said the former Minister of Education and Culture.

Then, when the central government canceled PPKM Level 3 simultaneously in an announcement last December 7, Anies said the Governor's Decree on the implementation of PPKM Level 3 in DKI could be revised again.

"The government has taken a policy not to apply PPKM Level 3, so we will also make changes to the governor's regulation and the changes will refer to the instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs," said Anies.

"So, as soon as the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs is issued, then we will make a new Pergub which refers to the new instruction," he continued.

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