JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) is conducting a dissemination activity of research results of maritime archaeological studies related to the sunken ship site in order to optimize the management of sustainable marine tourism in Tidore City, North Maluku Islands. in Jakarta, Friday said that one of the potential developments of marine tourism in coastal areas and small islands in Indonesia is sunken submarine tourism. then humans because shipwrecks are historical time capsules. He stated that the development of sustainable and responsible shipwreck tourism requires research as a scientific basis for policy makers at both the central and local government levels. Therefore, the Research and Human Resources Agency (BRSDM) me through the Research Center for Coastal Resources and Vulnerability (LRSDKP) Pusriskel conducts research activities on the Study of Maritime Archeological Potential of Sinking Ship Sites for the Management of Sustainable Marine Tourism and Strengthening Narratives of Maritime History and Culture in Tidore in 2019 and 2021. "Shipwreck diving can provide a different experience that is unique, unusual, spectacular, inspirational, and enchanting to diver tourists. UNESCO states that shipwreck resources are very important for the maritime history of the country concerned and can attract divers and history buffs to experience and learn about underwater heritage sites firsthand," said Nyoman, quoted by Antara, Friday, December 10. Ali Ibrahim, in a written statement stated that the high value contained in sunken ship cargo objects (BMKT) underlies the government to manage BMKT because BMKT belongs to the nation and identity as a maritime country.

He stressed that BMKT has complex values, not only economically but also historically and scientifically. the sea, including valuable objects from sinking ships, are historical, cultural, scientific, and economic resources whose use needs to be managed to improve people's welfare and national development. Marine tourism is the largest tourism segment, especially for countries with coastal areas and small islands that rely on healthy marine ecosystems. to promote For information, maritime archeology research in Tidore was carried out to follow up on a request from the Mayor of Tidore, Ali Ibrahim, in 2018 regarding research support for the disclosure of Maritime History related to the Magellan-El Cano Expedition to support the commemoration of Sail Tidore and the 500th anniversary of exploring around The earth was carried out by five Spanish ships. Research activities were also carried out to identify the condition, profile, and potential of shipwreck sites in the waters of Tongowai and Tanjung Soasio Villages along with their environmental conditions for the development of marine tourism and to determine efforts to protect and preserve them as well as to determine the significance value of ship sites. drowned in the Tidore Archipelago waters as basic data and information in order to strengthen the narrative of the maritime history of the archipelago and Tidore's important role as one of the Spice Cosmopolises on the Spice Route and the Sea Silk Road. Previously, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Tre nggono, is optimistic that marine tourism can be the community's first choice, because the MPA has coastal and marine spaces from Sabang to Merauke that can be used as marine tourism destinations.

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