JAKARTA - The Chancellor of the Tazkia Islamic Institute (IAI) Bogor, Murniati Mukhlisin stated, Indonesia should learn about the halal product industry from two neighboring countries, namely Malaysia and Thailand.

"It is a challenge to bring Indonesia to become the center of the world's Islamic economy and finance in 2024, including that halal food and drink has to be ranked number one," he said in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Antara, Friday, December 10.

Until now, Indonesia is still ranked in the bottom five in terms of halal food and drink in the world. When viewed from the stretch of countries that are very concerned about halal food and drinks, there is a high potential for economic benefits. As a result, the country pays great attention to its business actors.

"Over time, people are increasingly aware of the importance of halal food and drink not only for Muslims, but also for non-Muslims. From there, the Thai and Malaysian governments made a strategy," he emphasized.

He explained, with a population of 35 million people and 60 percent of the population or about 17 million people are Muslims, Malaysia is the best supplier of halal food and beverages in the world.

He also revealed that business people in Indonesia often complain about the difficulty, cost and length of obtaining the halal certification. "Over the past year, the government has changed several policies with the establishment of the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH) and this has made it easier to get a halal certification," he said.

He also emphasized that at this time what must be done is better socialization to the community, eliminating the stigma that is difficult, expensive and time-consuming and must move together. He said foreign countries often conduct research on animals slaughtered in Islam that will show the animals died peacefully.

"His blood was drained so he was healthy to eat. It was healthier than the one who was shot. They were shocked," he said.

He also said that foreign countries have gradually realized that halal is not only synonymous with Islam, but also health.

"That's what we continue to promote. If we ask 'is it halal' they are not offended. I often go to various countries and they admit that halal is good, halal is healthy," said Murniati Mukhlisin.

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