SURABAYA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa said that there are dozens of organizations that will assist trauma healing victims of the Mount Semeru eruption disaster. He considers trauma healing very important, especially for children who have been abandoned by their parents.

"A total of 60 organizations have coordinated with each other. Now the focus (trauma healing) is on victims affected by the disaster, especially children," said Khofifah, in Surabaya, Friday, December 10.

Khofifah has also held coordination meetings with dozens of these organizations, including with various other parties including volunteers. During the meeting, Khofifah asked all parties not only to provide logistical assistance for basic necessities, and others.

"We ask that not only help with logistical needs, but also form a trauma healing team. Psychological recovery of victims is very important," he said.

At the coordination meeting, continued Khofifah, they also discussed the relocation of settlements for residents affected by Semeru. Because, Khofifah admitted that victims often complain about their homes.

According to him, the victims questioned their fate where they should live. Khofifah admits that she is still finalizing it, for the sake of the survival of the disaster victims.

"When we go to the hospital, the burnt one asks how is my house, ma'am?', if we go to refuge point A, the refugee also asks the same thing, then to evacuation point B also asks the house," he said.

Khofifah admitted that she could not say how many families would be relocated and to what point. However, he ensured that the relocation was not in a disaster-prone area.

"Officers are still mapping, observing the risks according to the disaster-prone map. If there are settlements, they should not be used as permanent residences which actually endanger the residents," he said.

Based on data from the Disaster Monitoring Post, the number of people who died reached 43 people, 21 people suffered serious injuries and 12 were missing. Meanwhile, 6,542 people were displaced, spread over 125 points in Lumajang Regency.

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