JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo said the government is working on the current regulations. The goal is to avoid overlapping regulations that interfere with the development of a conducive national ecosystem.

"Structuring the regulations must be done. The overlapping regulations, which complicate things, which trap all parties at risk, must be resolved," Jokowi said when delivering his state speech at the MPR RI Annual Session at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, August 14.

This is because, said Jokowi, a productive and innovative national ecosystem would not be possible to grow without a conducive legal, political, cultural and educational ecosystem.

According to Jokowi, high flexibility and simple bureaucracy are not interchangeable with legal certainty, anti-corruption and democracy.

"All policies must prioritize environmentally friendly and human rights protection," he stressed.

In addition, the speed and accuracy of regulation must not be accompanied by carelessness and self-will.

Moreover, the government has never played with efforts to eradicate corruption and asked for efforts to prevent corruption through simple, transparent and efficient governance.

"The law must be enforced indiscriminately," he said.

Furthermore, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta also touched on the issue of upholding democratic values. According to him, even though the COVID-19 pandemic is still happening, democracy must continue.

"The 2020 Pilkada agenda must continue with high discipline in carrying out health protocols," he said.

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