JABAR - Deputy Governor of West Java Uu Ruzhanul Ulum appealed to parents to be more active in supervising their children who are studying in Islamic boarding schools. This action is to prevent cases of violating the law such as immorality in Bandung.

"If it's true at the boarding school, the parents don't give it in full, but there must still be a visit to the pesantren. My boarding school has holidays twice a year. Parents can see the development of their children at the pesantren, so that education, health and others are monitored," It's not enough with a telephone," said Uu at the Al Ruzhan Islamic Boarding School, Manonjaya, Tasikmalaya Regency, Antara, Thursday, December 9.

He conveyed that the appeal was a follow-up to the emergence of the case of female students who were victims of immorality by an unscrupulous Koran teacher in the city of Bandung. Uu is concerned about this case. Perpetrators must be processed according to the applicable law and hope that similar incidents will not happen again in educational institutions.

"Firstly, I hope that this incident will not happen again. Second, I feel concerned as a boarding school community, such an incident," he said.

He conveyed that the existence of this case was a lesson for all parties to further improve monitoring of children's development, starting from physical, mental health and other things.

In addition, he continued, parents need to prioritize caution before their children are entrusted to become students, such as looking at the aspects of costs, facilities, learning methods, the origin of teacher education, founders, foundations, to the legality of institutions, to graduates.

"Then we have to be careful if there are Islamic boarding schools that are strange, in terms of education, behavior and others. Do not let these parents give their children to pesantren, but do not know the background of the institution," he said.

The former Regent of Tasikmalaya hopes that the community will not generalize that all Koran teachers have the same behavior and parents need not be afraid of their children who are taking religious education at Islamic boarding schools or madrasas.

"Our expectations are not generalized," he said.

He conveyed that the government had provided assistance to victims who had experienced trauma, then a new education pattern was prepared according to their rights to grow and develop.

In addition, Uu appealed to all educational institutions, including Islamic boarding schools, to routinely monitor every activity in their educational facilities and be more selective in choosing teaching staff.

Uu also hopes that the implementation of learning activities for female students is carried out by female teachers, then male teachers for male students.

"Unless usually the general leadership of the pesantren or the founder as syaikhul masyaikh can only teach santri or female students, but even then it is usually limited by the color barrier between men and women," he said.

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