JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo ordered Novel Baswedan and his friends to oversee the National Economic Recovery (PEN). Economic recovery is the current government's focus.

"As our country is currently facing a difficult position, so that we properly monitor the PEN program, how do we control it so that the APBN used is right on target and reduces the risk of leakage," said the National Police Chief at the National Police Headquarters, Thursday, December 9.

In addition, 44 people who have officially become National Police ASNs were also asked to be more aggressive in preventing corruption. This will affect to attract investment in Indonesia.

"Create an investment climate so that the public or investors from inside and outside do not hesitate to invest in Indonesia. We know that Indonesia's corruption perception index has decreased from number 88 to 102," said Sigit.

The National Police Chief stated that Novel Baswedan and his friends had a big role in the Bhayangkara Corps. For example, preventing corruption to tracing assets resulting from crimes.

"Of course, the role of colleagues starts from changing the mindset, providing assistance, making prevention and deterrence efforts, including if necessary helping to cooperate in international relations, in order to carry out asset recovery tracing," said Sigit.

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