JAKARTA - The friendly atmosphere colored the gathering between the Daily Executive of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Jakarta and the PWI Jakarta Advisory Board, Thursday 9 December at the PWI Jaya Secretariat, Prasada Sasana Karya Building. This activity was also attended by representatives of Bakrie Amanah, the Bakrie Group amil institution, which provides assistance to residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic, it must be admitted, has disrupted the flow of face-to-face communication and coordination between the Daily Executive, the Advisory Council and other elements in the PWI Jaya plenary management. Because they prioritize the comfort of others, so far, communication and internal coordination have been limited by prioritizing health protocols.

Also taking into account the COVID-19 process, the daily meeting between the Executive Board and the PWI Jaya Advisory Board, as well as the provision of assistance from Bakrie Amanah was carried out on a limited basis. From the Advisory Council attended Adhi Wargono, chairman, with several members: Aat Surya Safaat, Noeh Hatumena, Toni Limbong, and Heru Pujihartono, secretary.

Salah seorang penerima bantuan menerima secara simbolis paket bantuan yang diserahkan. (Foto Ist)
The assistance was handed over to PWI Jakarta. (Ist Photo)

"It's not that we don't want to meet, but the situation is indeed less likely. What is clear is that we will maintain the harmonization," said Aat Surya Safaat, among others, in his speech representing the Advisory Council.

Apart from the Advisory Board, this event was also attended by Sri Andhini, the President Commissioner as well as the 'owner' of PT Bukit Pembangkit Inovatif, the first private power plant / electricity company in Indonesia, which is located in Banjarsari, South Sumatra. PT. Power Plant Hill has also collaborated with PWI Jaya.

Sri Andhini has been 'mingling' with media workers for a long time. "I was even invited by PWI leaders to attend National Press Day (HPN) celebrations in Makassar, Padang, during the leadership of Mr. Tarman Azam," said Sri Andhini, who is also the 'founder' of the Indonesian Electricity Magazine.

Pengurus Harian dan Dewan Penasihat PWI DKI Jakarta. (Foto Ist)
Daily Management, PWI Jakarta Advisory Board and donors pose for a group photo. (Ist Photo)

Sri Andhini offered the PWI Jaya Daily Executive and the Advisory Board to carry out activities in Bandung, West Java, at his residence. This offer was welcomed by the Chairman of PWI Jaya, Sayid Iskandarsyah.

"God willing, we can carry out activities there, such as pre-work meetings for 2022," said Sayid Iskandarsyah.

From Bakrie Amanah, assistance was symbolically handed over by Mochamad Noerhakim, Program Head of the agency taking the Bakrie Business Group. The judge represented Setiadi Ihsan, GM Bakrie Amanah, who was unable to attend.

"We from Bakrie Amanah express our gratitude and appreciation to our friends at PWI Jaya who have been helping to spread Bakrie Amanah's activities," said Hakim.

The judge gave the Bakrie Amanah plaque to the chairman of PWI Jaya, Sayid Iskandarsyah. Meanwhile, Bakrie Amanah's assistance was symbolically handed over to Tubagus Adhi, Deputy Chair of the Jakarta PWI Welfare Division.

The judge explained that Bakrie Amanah also immediately distributed aid to the families of the victims and residents affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru, East Java. "From Bakrie Amanah there are four people who will go there, Lumajang," said Hakim.

The judge symbolically handed over assistance from Bakrie Amanah, together with Sri Andhini and Aat Surya Safaat representing the Advisory Council of PWI Jakarta for those affected by COVID-19. On this occasion, a donation package from the Magazine / Online Angle of View was also presented, which was submitted by Umi Sjarifah, Editor in Chief of Angolan View.

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