JAKARTA - A team of investigators from the South Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati Sulsel) conducted a search at the Makassar PDAM office on suspicion of corruption in pension funds and production services of more than Rp. said the search carried out was related to a case of alleged misappropriation at PDAM Makassar. "This is related to the case that we are currently handling. After the court's decision is issued, we then conduct a search," he said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 9. at 10.00 WITA. As of 14.00 WITA, investigators were still searching several rooms, starting from the room of the former President Director of PDAM Makassar, the archive room, the supervisory board room, and other rooms.

The Special Prosecutor's Office of South Sulawesi is currently investigating cases of misappropriation of tantiem funds and production services for the Makassar Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. This case, including the former President Director. Kasi Penkum Kejati Sulsel Idil previously confirmed said, in that case, investigators are indeed looking for and collecting evidence. based on the audit and the findings of the BPK that PDAM Makassar experienced a budget gap of around Rp. 31 billion in the payment of pension funds and employee bonuses of Rp. 8.3 billion and an excess of pension costs of Rp. 23 billion. . In the BPK report Number 63/LHP/XIX.MKS/12/2018 there are recommendations given and the potential for legal problems to occur. For example, BPK recommended to the Mayor of Makassar to instruct the President Director of PDAM Makassar to return employee bonuses and bonuses of Rp. 8.3 billion to the Makassar PDAM treasury. payment of pension expenses of Rp. 23.1 billion to the Makassar PDAM cash.

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