JAKARTA - Minister of Religion, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, said corruption is a common enemy, so he invites the public to move together to build anti-corruption behavior.

"Corruption is a common enemy. Therefore, a joint and integrated movement is needed in building anti-corruption behavior. And this must start from the family", said Minister of Religion Yaqut in a written statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 9.

Yaqut emphasized that anti-corruption behavior must be instilled from an early age. Families and educational institutions have a big role for children in instilling an anti-corruption attitude.

Family, he said, is the first place for children to learn, while family education is the initial foundation for instilling anti-corruption behavior, starting from the values of honesty and simplicity, and being ashamed of doing bad things.

"All of this requires exemplary parents. Exemplary and family education is the initial foundation for building anti-corruption behavior", he said.

The Minister of Religion hopes that the momentum of World Anti-Corruption Day which is celebrated every December 9, will increase awareness in efforts to prevent and combat corruption.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Director-General of Islamic Community Guidance M. Fuad Nasar said that eradicating corruption is not only for the benefit of the present but also for the future of the country and future generations.

"Say no to corruption, and it must be done by everyone. From a religious perspective, corruption is an evil and falsehood that must be eliminated", he said.

On the one hand, he said, a legal approach and a cultural-religious approach must run simultaneously in eradicating corruption and sustainably, as exemplified by HS Dillon, one of the figures who helped create the KPK. At that time, Dillon collaborated with Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah to fight corruption.

"Religious circles must be at the forefront of upholding, practicing and defending anti-corruption principles in life", he said.

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