JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit arrested a land mafia with the initials AP (48). The suspect was arrested after carrying out a series of fraudulent acts of buying and selling land with a total profit of billions of rupiah.

"The suspect has made money (from fraud) worth 2.1 billion," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Erwin Kurniawan to VOI, Thursday 9 December.

In his action, the suspect has deceived three victims in the East Jakarta area with a similar mode, namely a fictitious land seller.

"There are several places for transactions in the Kelurahan Bambu Apus, Pasar Rebo and Bambu Apus. In these three locations, three victims reported to the East Jakarta Police," he said.

The police chief said that one of the modes of suspect AP was issuing fake bilyet giro and making fake AJB.

"In this case there is a notary (original) but when he was handed over he (the suspect) forged the owner's signature so that there was a forgery. So the buyer believed it and this fraud occurred," he said.

When it was going to be certified, it turned out that the land already belonged to someone else. The victim did not investigate further about the land offered by the suspect," he added.

Until now, Central Jakarta Metro Police investigators are still developing the case of the land mafia practice in order to dismantle the network of other suspects.

"We are still investigating. There are several police reports involving this suspect and we are processing and investigating," he said.

Kombes Pol Erwin ensured that upon the arrest of the suspect, AP would be connected to a network of other suspects.

It will connect with a few more people. He is not working alone, we will

develop. Attention to this land mafia case, we are trying to uncover it even though it has its own difficulties," he said.

The police chief appealed that if people want to buy land, they immediately check with the local BPN and Kelurahan offices that have a history of land.

"At BPN there is an information service if anyone wants to make a land purchase transaction. Check with the BPN and check with the Kelurahan," he said.

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