JAKARTA - The National Police Education and Training Center is the main key in producing the best quality police. The National Police Education and Training Center must be a 'kitchen' in producing superior and quality human resources.

"To fulfill the superior human resources of the National Police, the National Police Education and Training Center is the main key as the 'kitchen' for processing the human resources of the National Police, so that superior human resources of the National Police are truly realized," said National Police Chief General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo in his briefing at the plenary session of the Education and Training Council (Wandiklat) Polri, quoted from a press release from the National Police Public Relations Division, Thursday, December 9, quoted from Antara.

Wandiklat is a figure who has an important role as the initial stage of policy formulation and determines the competence and quality of a Bhayangkara Corps soldier.

In this Wandiklat, it is important to apply three competencies, namely technical competence, leadership competence (leadership), and ethical competence, and still refer to the eight police education standards, namely graduation competency standards, content standards, process standards, educational standards, facilities and infrastructure standards, management standards, financing standards, and assessment standards.

"We must use these eight educational standards as a reference, so that they can be implemented properly," said Sigit.

Regarding the three competencies mentioned above, the former Police Chief of Criminal Investigation Unit also emphasized that they must be applied to all existing education, starting from Establishment Education (Diktuk), Specialization Development Education (Dikbangspes), and General Development Education (Dikbangum).

The expected output, said Sigit, is that Polri HR has technical competence, ethical competence, and leadership competence, so that Polri personnel can be born who have the ability as Polri who have qualified, superior, and professional HR.

"So that we are able to produce and create Polri personnel who when carrying out their duties become Polri who can really be close to the community, can be trusted by the community, and are loved by the community. This is our 'PR'," said Sigit again.

According to Sigit, these three competencies are absolutely owned by police personnel. Therefore, the National Police Education and Training Center is expected to inculcate this from the very beginning of education and training in an appropriate and proportionate manner.

In terms of formation, said Sigit, what must be presented is technical competence and ethical competence. Then, in terms of development, what must be given are leadership and ethical competencies that must be truly instilled.

"Education on the development of Dikbangspes, technical competencies that we hope can really be prepared to face the challenges of the current task," said Sigit again.

From the formation process, Sigit also emphasized that police personnel must be able to exercise police discretion and use force responsibly. This must be in accordance with the principles of legality, proportionality, necessity (needs), and accountability.

On that occasion, Sigit also reminded about the hope of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to create superior and precise Polri human resources in carrying out their duties and authorities. Therefore, the development of human resources in the Bhayangkara Corps is one of the central roles.

Human resource development, said Sigit, must be serious, starting from recruitment, education, and promotion, which must be carried out transparently and accountably. Then the character must be formed and created in accordance with the duties of the Police and of course must master new knowledge.

"For this reason, the development of Polri's human resources must be taken seriously," said Sigit.

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